
Jeff White


Meet Jeff

I grew up “unchurched” for 26 years of my life, chasing after the fleeting things of this world to try to find my identity, and coming up empty. It was in January of 2000 that a co-worker (now close friend) shared the gospel with me and invited me to visit Watermark with him and his wife. God was doing a very real work in my heart at that same time, and in October of that same year I trusted Jesus as my Savior. I am so thankful for God’s saving grace!

I feel blessed to be married to my best friend Molly, and we and we have two sweet girls. Being a husband and father brings me great joy, and challenges and stretches me to grow constantly.

I have enjoyed producing videos since my days in high school volunteering at a local TV station. I have had some great experiences through the years as a part of my career in video. I am now thankful for this great experience of being a part of the staff here at Watermark!

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