Discover Watermark Community Church

Learn about our vision, our values, and how to plug in.

Our Story

In the summer of 1998, a group of friends began to meet and prayerfully consider what it would look like to pursue a life of faithfulness to Scripture as they devoted their lives to Christ together in Dallas.

By the end of 1999, this core group had grown to 150 people who came together to serve Christ and His purposes as Watermark Community Church. The church gathered in a number of different temporary locations over the next several years, until the Lord allowed us to purchase a property and build our current facilities.

Read Our Full Story

Vision and Values

At Watermark, we are abiding in Jesus and making disciples together. That includes finding our identity and source of life in Christ, centering our lives around Christ-centered devotion, and prioritizing connecting with His people.

Full Vision and Values

What We Believe

We believe that the gospel changes everything. Although we have all sinned and cannot be made right with God through our own efforts, we can receive the gift of eternal life through trusting in Jesus’s sacrifice on the cross and His resurrection from the grave. In light of this truth, we look to God’s Word as our authority, conscience, and guide in how we live and worship together.

Our Beliefs

Got questions about the faith?

Great Questions is a safe place for those whose questions or doubts are keeping them from a relationship with God.

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Become a Member

We believe God intends all His followers to enjoy life together as we seek to be and make disciples. It is only through being connected to a local body of believers that Christians can fully live out the Bible’s instructions for how we are to love and serve one another.

If you’re interested in becoming a member at Watermark, please join us at Membership Class.

Learn More About Membership

Step 1: Commit

  • Attend Membership Class
  • Write your story
  • Share your story
  • Sign the covenant

Step 2: Serve

  • Identify a place to serve

Step 3: Connect

  • Join a community group

If you would like to know more about Watermark or have questions about the Christian faith, please let us know. Send us your questions and we'll be happy to help.